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Bli med på Sykle til jobben-aksjonen! Gratis for alle innbyggere

Meld deg på Norges største og eldste aktivitetskampanje. Vi betaler deltakeravgiften for alle innbyggere!
Kampanjen starter 3. mai.

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You have the right to receive vaccinations against communicable diseases. The municipal health care services provide the service.


The municipal health care services offer vaccinations against communicable diseases. Contact your general practitioner or the health care centre. The national vaccination programme covers

  • Childhood vaccinations for all children in preschool and primary and lower secondary school
  • Annual seasonal flu vaccines for people who are at special risk
  • Pandemic flu vaccines
  • Other vaccines for certain at-risk groups (e.g. pneumococcal vaccines, hepatitis vaccines, BCG vaccines).

Target group

People living or temporarily staying in the municipality.


The Norwegian Institute of Public Health determines who is in an at-risk group and should receive a seasonal flu vaccine. For pandemic flu, the municipality will offer vaccinations according to the guidelines from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Charges/Cost of the service

Children’s vaccinations are free. Otherwise, you will pay a patient’s charge.


The municipality is obligated to provide this service. See
Sections 1-1 and 3-1 of the Health Care Act
Chapter 3 of the Act relating to the control of communicable diseases.

Forskrift om nasjonalt vaksinasjonsprogram
Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven

Possibilities to appeal; procedure

If you feel that you are not receiving the necessary assistance, or are dissatisfied with how the service is rendered, you can submit a complaint to the municipality or directly to the service provider. Explain why you are dissatisfied and what changes you would like to see.

Tjenesten oppdatert: 13.05.2020 09:37