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Bli med på Sykle til jobben-aksjonen! Gratis for alle innbyggere

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Kampanjen starter 3. mai.

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Postnatal groups

Postnatal groups are a service offered by the health care centre for new parents. The health care centre will invite participants to the first meeting, and the parents will take over from there.


Postnatal groups are an information and advising service offered to new parents. The health care centre will invite participants to the first meeting at the health care centre. From then on, the parents must take the initiative to organise more meetings. At the meetings you can share your experiences with giving birth, the postnatal period and infancy, including

  • Breastfeeding
  • Parenting
  • Diet
  • Child development
  • Accident prevention
  • Relationships

The health visitor can offer guidance and advice if you would like. Children are naturally welcome to join as well.

Target group

New parents

Charges/Cost of the service

The service is free.


This is one way in which the municipality has chosen to provide guidance for this group, but it is not a statutory service. See

Section 3-2 Municipal responsibility for health care services and Section 3-3 Health-promoting and preventive work of the Health Care Act

Chapter 7 Appeals of the Patient Rights Act.

Forskrift om helsestasjons- og skolehelsetjenesten
Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven
Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven

Guidelines – applying for, or receiving the service

After you have given birth, you will be contacted by the health care centre with an offer to participate in the postnatal group. You can also contact the health care centre yourself.

Possibilities to appeal; procedure

If you feel that you are not receiving the necessary assistance, or are dissatisfied with how the service is rendered, you can submit a complaint to the municipality or directly to the service provider. Explain what you are dissatisfied with and what changes you would like to see.

Tjenesten oppdatert: 04.05.2020 11:53