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Bli med på Sykle til jobben-aksjonen! Gratis for alle innbyggere

Meld deg på Norges største og eldste aktivitetskampanje. Vi betaler deltakeravgiften for alle innbyggere!
Kampanjen starter 3. mai.

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Education for students with hearing impairment

Hearing-impaired students have equal rights to education and a good learning environment as all other children.


Students with hearing impairment are entitled to adaptive educational programmes all throughout their schooling. This applies to teaching, day-care facilities, classroom organisation, equipment and structural adaptations.

Target group

Hearing-impaired students in primary through upper secondary school.


See in particular

Section 10-7 of the National Insurance Act
Section 19g of the Kindergarten Act
Sections 9a-2, 2-6 and 3-9 of the Education Act.

Forskrift om helse og miljø i barnehager, skoler og skolefritidsordninger

Guidelines – applying for, or receiving the service

The school is expected to be informed. Nevertheless, as a parent/guardian, you should contact the prospective school as early on as possible and inform them of when your child will be starting first grade.

Tjenesten oppdatert: 11.05.2020 08:08